Monday, June 24, 2013

I Exercised CAUTION While Walking With The Village Creek Indian Ghosts Today Before Finding Mallard Cove Park

Soon after walking from the Village Creek Natural Historical Area parking lot I came upon "CAUTION" tape blocking off access to several picnic tables.

I do not believe it was the picnic tables that one needed to be cautious about. I think the danger may have been coming from the big dead tree you see rising above "CAUTION" in the picture.

If it is the dead tree presenting the need for caution, why not simply knock it down before it falls on an innocent picnicker? Instead of marking off the area with what looks like crime scene tape.

Other than being advised to exercise CAUTION it was an uneventful walk with the Indian Ghosts today.

Upon leaving my abode I found my route via John T. White Road reduced to one lane. So, I opted to take Randol Mill Road back to my abode.

I have driven Randol Mill Road countless times without noticing the park sign I saw today.

Mallard Cove Park.

I followed the Mallard Cove Park signs til I arrived at the entry to Mallard Cove Park. This appears to be a new park, which would explain why I'd not noticed it before. I could see multiple paved trails from the parking lot, curving down a slope towards the Trinity River.

I suspect I will be rolling my bike tires on these newly discovered trails soon. As in, likely tomorrow.

Yesterday I mentioned that my pool was suffering an electrical malfunction. The electrician showed up this morning and got the electricity back electrifying, which has the pumps back pumping and me back swimming, maybe later this afternoon, but tomorrow morning for certain.

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