Friday, May 10, 2013

Why Is The TRWD Board Lying In The Star-Telegram About Team BNK?

A couple minutes ago, in the same batch of email, one email was attached to the photo you see on the left.

While another email was attached to a document from a different point of view than that expressed in the photo you see on the left.

Ironically, also just a couple minutes ago, I blogged about my disdain for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and its bad newspaper behavior.

In the photo you are looking at a full page ad which is in today's Star-Telegram, it being a campaign advertisement placed by the corrupt campaign of corrupt campaigners running to retain their seats on the Tarrant Regional Water District Board.

If the Star-Telegram were a real newspaper would it not refuse to print ads containing blatant lies and fear mongering propaganda?

Rogue Dallas Businessmen? Again playing the Dallas is the Boogeyman card? How embarrassing.

Those Rogue Dallas Businessmen are so evil and so powerful that they can stop the local water supply? Again, how embarrassing. And how stupid do these TRWD Incumbents think their constituents are? Maybe the incumbents are erroneously projecting their own personal stupidity level on to their not so stupid constituents.

The local water supply will be unprotected if you don't re-elect these corrupt Water Boarders? Again, what an embarrassingly stupid bit of inept propaganda.

The document in the second email, referenced above, was the PDF version of a TRWD Challenger BNK mailer that hit mailboxes today.

The TRWD Incumbents put a full page ad full of lies in the Star-Telegram, while the TRWD Challengers sent out a mailer that seems to be directly counter-pointing the TRWD Incumbents' embarrassingly inept propaganda....

1 comment:

  1. I'm confused about this election. Being from precinct 3390, it has locations to vote for Euless and Grapevine, but states "no election" for Colleyville? Do I get to vote if I mosey on over to Euless?
