Friday, May 31, 2013

Spencer Jack's Uncle Joey Has Some Big Fish To Fry With His Grandpa & Great-Grandpa

A few minutes ago I did my daily checking in on that fad whose time to fade is past its due date, Facebook, to see that Spencer Jack's favorite Uncle, Joey, had caught a big halibut.

Catching big fish in Washington waters of various sorts, as in rivers and saltwater, apparently is hardwired into the Jones' genes. However, I did not catch this trait, as I've never much enjoyed fishing. Being out on Puget Sound in a boat, yes, that I like, but not fishing.

In the fish collage above you have 3 generations holding a big fish. On the left is my Grandpa, Spencer Jack's Great-Great Grandpa, Cornelius, known as Neil and Cornie. In the middle is Spencer Jack's Great-Grandpa, my Dad, Jack. And on the right is Spencer Jack's Uncle, my Nephew Joey.

My Grandpa is holding a big sturgeon he caught in the Nooksack River. The Nooksack is the first river you come to in Western Washington when you head south from the Canadian border.

My Dad is holding a 187 pound, over 6 foot long, halibut, caught using his Dad's, my Grandpa's, 35 year old pole. I remember that pole. It was big. I wonder if it still exists? If it does, Joey should have it.

Joey is also holding a halibut. Joey's halibut does not appear to be 6 feet long, and since Joey is holding the halibut with one hand I suspect it does not weigh anywhere near the monster his Grandpa caught.

Below is the newspaper clipping, with the story of my Dad catching the halibut, with the help of my Mom  and my Grandma's husband, who I knew as Mr. Lee and my baby sister knew as Grandpa Lee.

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