Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Good Grief Doctor Moncrief?

Surprising news in Fort Worth Weekly this morning that basically proves that in America anyone can become a doctor.

Tarleton State University gave something called honorary doctor of humane letters degrees to former Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief and his wife Rosie.

Karen Murray, who is an official associated with this school which apparently has a low opinion of doctors, said this couple was doctored because of their “consistent commitment to the common good” and for being “models of engaged citizenship.”

Consistent commitment to the common good? Models of engaged citizenship?


The writer of the Fort Worth Weekly Doctor Moncrief? article, Eric Griffey, verbalized the reason for the "UGH" quite well...

I guess Murray was unaware of Mayor Mikey’s horrible track record of holding the door open for urban gas drillers with scant regulation or environmental protections in place, while lining his pockets with oil and gas money, and protecting elected officials from ethics probes. Maybe she forgot his penchant for abusing eminent domain, shutting out the press and the public from important policy matters, offering tax abatement to every cooperation, neutering the city’s ethics committee, and being generally unaccountable, secretive, and downright hostile to anyone who opposed him.

I only saw Mike Moncrief once during his Reign of Terror as Fort Worth's mayor. That one in person viewing happened while watching Mike Moncrief try to dye the Trinity River purple. I have seldom witnessed such an embarrassing spectacle. I documented this event way back on November 27, 2009 in a post titled Fort Worth Mayor Moncrief Fails To Turn Trinity River Purple.

I never guessed then, as I watched a grown man try to dye a river purple, that I was looking at a future doctor. Or that I was looking at a model of engaged citizenship consistently committed to the common good.

Have I mentioned that my new favorite word is hubris?

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