Sunday, May 5, 2013

Captain Clean Again Accurately Aims His Plunger At The TRWD Board

This morning, before heading to the pool for my morning swim, I was directed to read an article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram titled Big money is pouring into the race for Tarrant Regional Water District board.

That article contained some major distortions from TRWD board members, ironically claiming there have been major distortions in mailers sent out by the B-N-K candidates. More on that later in another blog post.

On my way to the pool I checked my mailbox and found another mailer from Captain Clean and the B-N-K candidates.

I am sure this latest mailer from the B-N-K candidates will have Fort Worth's favorite dowager heiress, Marty Leonard, clutching her pearls.


Along with fellow pearls clutcher, Kay Granger, with both claiming this mailer is spewing lies.

Marty Leonard and Kay Granger will likely be unable to grasp the ironic hyperbole that Captain Clean is using to make his point on side one of the mailer.

Captain Clean says "Exactly one year ago in Tarrant County...."

And then shares a "letter" from the TRWD Board which says---

Dear Voter,
We decided to cancel the 2012 scheduled elections because we need more time to come up with excuses for our terrible record in office. We'll see you in May 2013.
The TRWD Board

Moving on to side two of today's mailer from the B-N-K candidates...


Captain Clean goes on to elaborate...

"In 2012, the TRWD Board canceled their own elections because they thought no one was watching. But the truth is, we are watching. The TRWD Board has been recently sued for more than 300 violations of Texas  law for holding secret meetings!"

"The only way to stop the corruption on the current TRWD Board  is to vote for three (3) new board members in this May's election. Vote for Captain Clean's trusted allies - Basham, Nold and Kelleher - to clean up the TRWD and put our water supply first!"

Captain Clean could have also mentioned that complaints have been filed against each TRWD board member with the Texas Ethics Commission due to TRWD's misuse of public funds in printing and mailing a 10 page 4 color glossy brochure promoting the Board of Directors just days before early voting begins in the board election.

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