Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Leaky Walk Around My Neighborhood Looking For The Lawn Whisperer & Chesapeake's Improved Landscaping

Someone call the Lawn Whisperer. We've sprung a leak.

The Lawn Whisperer is a Tarrant Regional Water District Board creation that creates the illusion that the TRWD is working hard on water conservation.

Meanwhile, despite the Lawn Whisperer, I somehow happen upon a surprising number of water leaks when I am out and about.

I had not taken a walk in my neighborhood for a week or two. When I walked from the Albertsons parking lot to the sidewalk on the south side of Boca Raton Boulevard I was instantly faced with a flood of water rendering the sidewalk and environs too wet for pleasant dry passage.

It would appear a pipe has sprung a leak and is spouting copious amounts of precious, scarce water through the Albertsons parking lot retaining wall.

On my walk, after the Albertsons leak, I came upon a much drier, much more pleasing site, that being what you see below.

Above you are looking at my neighborhood's landscaped Welcome to Woodhaven. Last year Chesapeake Energy temporarily destroyed this landscaped welcome during the process of laying some underground pipe through which Chesapeake flows non-odorized natural gas.

After the pipeline was installed Chesapeake rebuilt the landscaped welcome.  But not to the level of its former  glory.  It was soon a weedy eyesore. I blogged about the weedy eyesore.

The landscaped Welcome to Woodhaven has now been greatly improved, with no more weeds and with additional landscape elements, like big flagstones, installed.

I can't really clearly remember exactly what the Welcome to Woodhaven looked like before Chesapeake destroyed it, but I can say I think the latest version is just as good as the original.

Now with explosive potential...

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