Saturday, April 6, 2013

Today I Saw A Wildflower Blooming On The Tandy Hills & Red Peppers At Town Talk

Today was the first time I've been on the Tandy Hills in well over a week. The last time I was on the Tandy Hills nary a wildflower was seen. Today a few wildflowers were seen, like a few instances of the pink wildflower you see in the picture.

On April 27, three Saturdays hence, the 2013 Prairie Fest takes place on the Tandy Hills.

Wildflowers had better get busy blooming.

That freakish bout of cold temperatures seems to have gone away. Currently, at mid-afternoon, the outer world at my location is being heated to 73.

The sun provided sufficient water heating heat that my cool pool was un-cool enough this morning for a swim long enough that endorphins were induced, possibly induced more from shivering than aerobic stimulation.

Today on the Tandy Hills I had a rare human encounter. A pair of humans. One male, one female. I came upon them as they descended Mount Tandy. They had entered the hills via the View Street playground and were a bit bum puzzled as to how to get back to start. This was the pair's first time on the Tandy Hills. I gave the hikers directions and reassured them that though, on first Tandy Hills exposure, one can get lost, that eventually one always finds ones way back.

After I had enough hill hiking aerobic stimulation I headed to Town Talk for my regular Saturday treasure hunt. Today, among other things, I got 4 huge red peppers for a buck and 10 avocados for a buck.

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