Friday, April 26, 2013

Taking A Corrupt Shot From Tarrant Regional Water District Board Incumbents

I find the ethically questionable antics of various Texas government agencies and much of the Texas public's who cares attitude (for the most part) both perplexing and amusing.

A good example of this ethically questionable antics syndrome showed up in my email today, with the email showing me the example having the subject line: A Corrupt Shot from the Incumbents.

What incumbents you wonder?

Well, the incumbents you are wondering about are the incumbents currently on the Tarrant Regional Water District Board who are up for election this coming May 11.

And what have these incumbents done that is so corrupt?


The Tarrant Regional Water District has mailed out a very slick, full color, 10 page campaign advertisement, I mean, informational brochure.

The "informational" brochure tells the voters, I mean, people they serve, all that the Tarrant Regional Water District Board members have done to put an end to flooding, conserve water, provide an everlasting supply of fresh drinking water, make the Trinity River as pure as a mountain stream and others things which should make voters, I mean the people they serve, want to keep these people serving them.


No where in this "informational" brochure is there any mention made of an upcoming election.

No where in this "informational" brochure is there any mention made of who paid for this brochure.

If the Tarrant Regional Water District did not pay for this brochure, who did?

If the Tarrant Regional Water District did pay for this brochure how is this not some sort of a violation of election campaign laws?

Like I said previously, I find the ethically questionable antics of various Texas governmental agencies and the Texas public's who cares attitude (for the most part) both perplexing and amusing.

And might I add, to those Texans with a "who cares?" attitude, well, you get what you vote for. If you like ethical bankruptcy, just keep voting the ethically bankrupt rascals in office, over and over again....


  1. Isn't that the same Jim Lane, that in October 2011, you referred to as "...Jim Lane right on the verge of being my favorite Fort Worth politician."

  2. Steve A, that was almost 2 years ago, that and I am always very inconsistent with my opinions. For example, just yesterday I waxed positive about downtown Fort Worth.
