Saturday, April 27, 2013

Biking The Gateway Park Jungle Because Elsie Hotpepper Won't Go To The Prairie Fest With Me

This final Saturday of April was the first time I've pedaled the Gateway Park mountain bike trail since late last winter.

On that particular late last winter Gateway Park bike ride the predominant color was brown. As you can see, via the photo, the Gateway Park jungle has returned, with the predominant color now being green.

Today, with it being Saturday, April 27, the 2013 Prairie Fest is taking place.

I could not find anyone to go to the Prairie Fest with me this year. It is well known that I rarely go solo to anything.

I called Elsie Hotpepper, thrice, thinking she might go Prairie Festing with me. I thought Elsie Hotpepper might go Prairie Festing with me because the last time I had myself any fun at the Prairie Fest it was with Elsie Hotpepper and her supply of adult libations of the sort I rarely consume.

Elsie Hotpepper did call me back, a couple times. One of those times I was in the pool, unable to hear my phone make its incoming call noise. I think it was that missed call that brought about my third call to Elsie Hotpepper attempt.

Another reason I was not feeling strongly motivated to help bring Power to the Prairie was on Friday I had myself an exhausting day with way too much human interaction and bruising bus rides that left me feeling in need of peace and quiet.

Hence the bike ride through a jungle.

However, I did subject myself to way too much human interaction, of short duration, with my regular Saturday visit to Town Talk. Today I saw, upon arrival, that the Town Talk reader board read "PRODUCE SALE."

For me, "PRODUCE SALE" meant two bags of red spuds, 8 yellow peppers, 8 green peppers, 2 bags of spinach, 5 pounds of broccoli crowns, 3 pounds of onions, dozens of Anaheim peppers and a lot of other stuff I am not remembering right now.

Currently the outer world, at my location, is supposedly heated to only 70 degrees, at a minute or two past 6. However, even though the temperature is supposedly only 70, I am way too hot inside this abode. I had the windows open all afternoon. This may have been a mistake that I think I am about to rectify by firing up the air conditioner.


  1. Honey-- what are you going to do with all that produce? Don't you live alone? And, I would have gone to Prairie Fest with you with advance notice. I wanted to hear Brave Combo!

  2. cd0103, I provide nutrition to an assortment of sorts in need of something healthy to eat, so all that produce will get used. Although the rutabagas are a bit dicey. I got some enormous cabbage/turnip combos that will likely be a chore to cut up.

    I really don't think of myself as living alone. I think of it as more of a commune type situation.

    You wanted to hear Brave Combo, I wanted to hear Trigger Fish.

    Apparently neither of us get what we want.

  3. Really, cool! I didn't know that. I eat rutabagas like mashed turnips or potatoes. Love them. I wanted to go to Prairie Fest this year, but we wound up going to lunch with friends who are leaving Tuesday for their 2nd home in SFO. I swear I am going next year.

    Commune without all living in the same space, right?

  4. cd0103, yes, this commune concept does not rend one free of their own space. As in I have myself a lotta space all to myself. Which is needed to preserve my fragile sanity.

  5. Elsie waited on you most of the afternoon, while you were napping by the pool.
