Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday Windy Chill In Texas Has Me Housebound

Today, the view of my cool pool is a bit different than the rainy view from my patio I blog posted yesterday.

The cool pool was really cool this morning. At the pool point in time, soon after the sun rose, the temperature was 36, with a very strong wind making the outer world really feel like 23.

23 is cool. But I still got in the pool. Three cycles in and out of the cool pool in to the not cool hot tub.

The time is currently a couple minutes before noon. The wind is still blowing hard. The temperature has climbed to 41, but that wind blowing still has the air really feeling like it is freezing.

I thought we were done with big chills til sometime next October. I thought we were at the time of the year when I could easily have myself a reliably long endorphin inducing, aerobically stimulating swim.

I braced myself against the wind and the cold and drove up to Hurst, to ALDI, this morning. I should have worn a coat. I got gas at the Fast Trac across the street from ALDI. Seven gallons in the tank and I could not take the shivering a gallon longer, and so I stopped the pumping.

It is rare for a day to pass without me getting myself some endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation via some fast walking or hill hiking.

I am not going to bundle up and go on a walk or hike today. I would need to wear gloves, lest frostbite set in. Seems more sensible just to stay inside and throw another log in the fireplace....

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