Thursday, March 28, 2013

I Am Thinking About One Year Lived After Scratch Beginnings

This morning when I woke up my computer there were the usual several hundred emails, with most of them being spam blog comments from someone named Anonymous.

However, there was one non-Anonymous email from someone named Adam Shepard, with the subject line "one year lived."

This particular email seemed to be non-spamlike, enough so that I clicked on it.

I'm glad I did the click.

A couple paragraphs from the email, referencing Adam Shepard's Scratch Beginnings, Me, $25, and the Search for the American Dream book...

My new book, One Year Lived, is coming out on April 22nd. It is the narrative of my one year trip around the world. I mustered cattle. I volunteered with children. I went scuba diving. I grew a mullet. I fought bulls. I made love on a beach. Etcetera.

A few years ago, for my first book, Scratch Beginnings, I was featured in the New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, the New York Post, the Atlantic, on the Today Show, CNN, Fox News, NPR, 20/20, 147 radio programs, and blah, blah, blah. My publicist expects similar exposure with the release of this next book, and with that kind of clout coming to your blog, I’d love to work with you on its release.

I emailed Adam back, telling him I'm willing. Adam proposes sending me the ebook PDF version of his new book, One Year Lived, to peruse and use however I think best.

Should be interesting. I hope......

Below is a YouTube video with Adam Shepard talking about Scratch Beginnings...

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