Friday, March 22, 2013

Helping Make The World A Better Place One Weed At A Time

Today I was not in the mood to drive anywhere to have myself a long walk, and so I walked around the block that surrounds the location of my abode.

A week or two ago I noticed and blogged about the weed infestation that was turning Chesapeake Energy's Welcome to Woodhaven re-installation into a bit of an eyesore.

Chesapeake Energy re-installed the Welcome to Woodhaven installation because Chesapeake removed the original so pipeline could be inserted underground to carry non-odorized natural gas to a processing location.

Today when I walked by the Chesapeake Energy Welcome to Woodhaven re-installation I noticed that a lot of the weeds had been pulled. Below is what the Welcome to Woodhaven re-installation looked like the last time I blogged about it.

Did me blogging about this eyesore cause the weeds to get pulled? I doubt it, even though I do like to think I am making the world a better place, one weed at a time.

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