Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Near Wreck Skateboarding Around Fosdick Lake With A Mysterious Town Talk Shopper

I nearly had a wreck on the drive to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdick Lake today before going to Town Talk.

I was stopped at a 3 way stop. I was the only person stopped at the 3 way stop. A white SUV was heading east towards one of the 3 stop signs. But the white SUV did not stop. The white SUV sped right past the stop sign, with me managing to slam the brakes fast enough to stop my left turn before hitting the side of the white SUV.

Is the ticket a Fort Worth driver gets for running a stop sign more or less expensive than the Fort Worth no seatbelt tickets?

At Oakland Lake Park today I saw something I've not seen there before. As in a guy whisking along at high speed atop Fosdick Dam, breaking the speed limit on a skateboard.

I was a distance away when I saw this skateboarding phenomenon, which explains the slightly fuzzy zoomed photo.

A light drizzle drizzled when I reached the Oakland Lake Park parking lot. So, I carried my unopened bumbershoot with me in case the drizzle accelerated in to rain mode.

I finished my drizzly walking without needing to open my bumbershoot.

It being Saturday, Town Talk was very busy. I had a little trouble finding a parking spot.

My best find from Town Talk treasure hunting today was something called Tyson Fresh Pork Carnitas. I have no idea what I am going to do with this. I suppose stick it in the slow cooker and hope for the best.

I almost bought a container filled with habanero peppers til a person starting raising a fuss about how dangerous they are, that they might blind this person and this person is already down to one eye.

I keep referring to this person as this person because I don't know what gender, for sure, this person is.

I have seen this person in Town Talk before. Very tall, as in over 6 and a half feet tall. Long, curly red hair. Always in blue jeans that seem to show slightly shapely hips. And a bit of a gut. This person is very talkative, talking to everyone within earshot. Last Saturday I overheard this person having a bizarre conversation about shopping at Macy's in New York City.

When checkout time came the shortest of the long lines had me behind this person. Checkout was slowed when this person decided he/she needed a package of that Tyson Fresh Pork Carnitas I previously referenced.

When the Town Talk checkout person told this person the total owed, he/she did that stereotypically female thing of seeming like it was a total shock that it is now time to pay up.

He/she carries a giant purse, which is one of the reasons I thought he was a she. Out of the purse he/she retrieved what looked to be another purse. With a lot of fluttering he/she then displayed a bunch of credit cards, like a poker hand, and asked the Town Talk checkout person to pick one.

By the time my checkout was completed and my card was being processed the mysterious person had moved on to talking to fresh people. I quietly asked the Town Talk checkout person if that odd person was a man or a woman? The Town Talk checkout person said she thought he was a man. I then said, but didn't you notice the big purse? She then said that wallet did not seem like a man's "wallet" either.

Shoppers like the 6 foot 6 mysterious person of indeterminate gender and other interesting Town Talk shoppers are part of what I find fun about Town Talking each week.  That and being surprised by what I might find on any given visit...


  1. I did my adventure shopping at Trader Joe's today. I bought chile dusted dried mangos, Thai noodle chicken salad, Spicy Seafood Ramen, and.. Corned beef. Yummy. I also got Irish Soda bread, Irish butter, and eggrolls.

  2. Let us know about the carnitas! I love carnitas.

  3. cd0103, I wish I lived closer to Trader Joe's. One needs to open in Arlington. Or in Hurst, by ALDI. That would be real convenient.

    I Googled 'pork carnitas' and before I even finished typing Google added 'crock pot recipe'. This seemed to be some sorta sign that the pork carnitas definitely must be crock potted. I have all the spices the recipe calls for. The directions call for chicken broth. I have none. But I do have some turkey gravy that I can dilute to make the two cups of broth. The cooking time is 10 hours. I think I'll start it cooking in a couple hours. Tonight I think we gain an hour. So, if I turn on the slow cooker at 6, by tomorrow morning will 10 hours be 7 in the morning? Or 5? I really am totally math challenged.

  4. Don't we lose an hour? 2am tonight we set clocks forward to 3am. SUCKS. HATE IT!!!

  5. cd0103, I think you are correct. I just turned on my slow cooker, figuring even though I turned it on at 6, 10 hours later, by tomorrow morning, will be 5. I think.
