Friday, February 1, 2013

The First Freezing Day Of February Has Me Wishing I Was Lost & Found In Warm Washington

I am seeing a clear blue sky view from my pool patio this first day of the second month of 2013.

A clear blue sky with the ground level chilled to below freezing this morning, currently heated, about an hour before noon, to a couple degrees above freezing.

Mr. and Mrs. Galtex have escaped freezing in Texas to see what it is like to be in Seattle in the middle of winter. Currently they are reporting seeing the sun through the clouds.

Checking the Seattle temperature I see the Galtex's are about 10 degrees warmer than if they were still in Fort Worth.

This morning is the Grand Opening of Washington's newest store, that being the Lost & Found Thriftique in Tacoma's Stadium District. I do not know if the Galtex's are attending the Grand Opening. I was hoping to, but complications prevented that from happening.

One of the proprietresses having a proprietary interest in the Lost & Found Thriftique is Tacoma businesswoman, Connie DB, aka The Original Tacoma Lulu.

The Original Tacoma Lulu is a smart, amusing Lulu with exquisite good taste. With a funny, cute kid named George.

I don't know where I am going today for my daily dose of endorpin inducing aerobic stimulation. Are the Tandy Hills dry? Maybe I will check and see.


  1. I don't think we'll make it to the Lost and Found Thriftique, or even Tacoma, but I'm curious, Durango, is there any store up here even remotely like Town Talk? Is there any store anywhere like Town Talk?

    Enjoying the sunshine in the balmy Pacific NW,
    Mr Galtex

  2. Mr. G, I know of nothing like TT in the PNW. There are surplus stores. but not of the TT sort, that I know of. My old hometown, Mount Vernon, has this store called the Skagit Valley Co-op, the likes of which I've not seen in Texas. It is like a better version of Whole Foods with reasonable prices. Started as a counter culture hippie type store long long ago, gradually evolved to main stream. Now it's like a department store, along with food, they sell clothes. Handmade clothes. Don't know if this still takes place, but whilst I lived there Friday night was All You Can Eat Spaghetti. Good thing. With garlic bread.

  3. Grocery Outlet is sorta like TT. All over WA State.

  4. Hey, we saw a Grocery Outlet coming in on the train from SEATAC, and thought it looked like Town Talk. Might have to check it out next trip.

    Mr GG
