Saturday, February 2, 2013

Going With Frita Fremont To Gateway Park To Mountain Bike Ride

This 1st Saturday of the 2nd month of 2013 is the first time my handlebars have been back on a mountain bike trail in quite some time.

For weeks, it seems, either ailing with respiratory woes, or the air being way too cold, has left me with no desire to do any pedaling.

But, today, with me feeling fine and the temperature in the 60s, I took off to Gateway Park to ride the Fort Worth Mountain Bike Association (FWMBA) trail.

It is beginning to become just a bit spooky how many times, of late, I leave my abode to find my mobile telecommunication device making its incoming call noise, to discover it is Frita Fremont calling.

I am starting to wonder if Frita has me under some sort of surveillance. Perhaps a satellite view letting her know when my motorized vehicular transport is in motion. Frita is quite the Smart Phone guru. Is there some sort of spy app tech geeks can avail themselves of?

Whatever the explanation is for Frita's uncanny calling, Frita talked me all the way to Gateway Park, with one short intermission to get gas.

I usually call my mom when I get gas, but due to the fact that I had to cut Frita off, in mid soliloquy, I said I'd call right back after I was done pumping.

I called back a couple minutes later which had Frita exclaiming that I was a fast pumper. I really did not know what to say, so I simply agreed that I am a very fast pumper.

I was very pleased at how well the bike riding went. I must have been pedaling at a high rate of speed, due to it seeming as if I reached various landmarks very quickly.

Now that I am back in bike mode, I must make a habit of it again.

When I was done spinning my non-motorized wheels, I spun my motorized wheels to Town Talk. I thought it would be exceptionally busy today with Town Talkers stocking up for the Super Bowl. However, I suffered no being crushed in a crowd sensations.

I think I am totally ready for my Super Bowl Party.

Now I just need to go to the bother of finding out who is playing. I know Beyonce is doing the halftime show. I am not a fan. I do not think I could name a Beyonce tune. I would prefer it be Nicki Minaj. Now, that would be some reliable entertainment. She could start by taking off with her catchy Starship song.

I currently have my computer room window open.

It gets old, this weather pattern in Texas in winter, a few days cold, a few days not cold, a few days running the furnace, a few days with the windows open.

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