Friday, January 4, 2013

The Washington Redskins Won Their Division So Now They Have To Play The Seattle Seahawks

UPDATE: I was erroneous regarding the start time of tomorrow's Seattle Seahawk pre-Super Bowl game. Like I've already admitted, I get befuddled calculating time zone differences. The correct time is tomorrow's pre-Super Bowl game starts at 1:30 pm Pacific Time. Central Time is 2 hours later than that, not two hours earlier, so the game will come on in my zone at 3:30 pm.

Earlier today I was confused on Facebook by Football Fanatic, Miss Chris, who caused me to think that the Seattle Seahawks were playing a playoff game today. I think it was something about wearing blue today, to show support for the Seahawks, that confused me.

It did not take too much effort to find out that it is on Sunday that the Seahawks play a playoff game against the Washington Redskins.

I thought team names like "Redskins" had become totally politically incorrect, particularly, one would think, in the nation's capital. Then again, I think most Native Americans would have zero objection to this being this particular team's name.

I am not much of a fan of watching football on TV. Or in person. I did watch last year's Super Bowl. I don't remember who was playing or who won.

I think the last time I watched the Seattle Seahawks play football was in their very painful to watch, one and only, Super Bowl appearance.

Apparently this year the Seattle Seahawks have a good team and have been winning a lot of games. I've been told the Seahawks are a lean team that moves fast against less lean slower moving teams.

Miss Chris, the Football Fanatic, told me Sunday's playoff game starts at 1:30 Pacific Time. I think that makes it either 10:30 or 11:30 Central Time.

I suspect I will have a Seattle Seahawk playoff party on Sunday. Likely pizza will be involved. And a chicken product.

Are the Arlington, I mean, Dallas Cowboys, also in the playoffs?

If I am understanding what Miss Chris, the Football Fanatic, has told me, if the Seahawks win on Sunday, they then have to win one more playoff game and then they will be making their 2nd Super Bowl appearance.

If the Dallas Cowboys are in the playoffs are they in a different league than the Seahawks, thus making there be a chance that Dallas would play Seattle in the Super Bowl?

That'd be cool.

I'd be really torn as to which team I'd be rooting for. The Dallas Cowboys or America's New Team.....


  1. Native Americans originally objected to the Seahawk logo due to its inaccuracy.

  2. Odds of Seattle ever playing the Fort Worth Cowboys in the Superbowl are super slim.
