Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I Wish I Could Be A Manly Man Whilst Unleashing A Wild Woman Today On The Tandy Hills

Moments ago I opened an urgent email urgently informing me that the 4th Annual Tandy Hills Manly Men Wild Women is scheduled to begin in just a few minutes.

The info in the email....

The rain has ended. 
The hike is on. 
A new year.
A new you.
10 a.m. sharp. Don't be late.
The trails will be muddy in places so bring an extra pair of shoes to wear after the hike.
Details at website.

Get your manly on! 
Unleash your wild woman! 
Don't wimp out!

I am still not totally recovered from being ill with a cold, so I really don't have any option other than to wimp out of doing some chilly, wet hill hiking. That and during last night's New Year's Eve I did way too much getting my manly on whilst unleashing a wild woman.  Or two. Along with pizza. And an adult libation, or two, mixed with medications of various types.

I think last night's revelry did me a world of good. I'm starting this new year of 2013 feeling the best I've felt in weeks.