Sunday, January 13, 2013

Checking Out River Legacy Park's Natural Petroleum Pipeline Overlook

River Legacy Park Trinity River Bridge
Today I was taking a Sunday walk in River Legacy Park, when, unbeknownst to me, the Seattle Seahawks were already in the process of ending this year's attempt to make it to the Super Bowl again.

It was barely one degree above freezing when I left my abode to drive to Arlington to walk along the Trinity River in River Legacy Park.

I was adequately attired to prevent the bone chilling wind from chilling my bones. I think this is the first time this winter I have been neither under or over dressed for the dire elements.

It does not seem all that long ago that I biked the River Legacy Park trail to check out the Huffine's Veridian development.

River Legacy Park Nature Overlook
However, enough time has passed that there was sufficient time for a wide swath of park land to be clear cut with a petroleum pipeline installed beneath the clear cut swath.

In the picture you are looking at a Nature Overlook located at the west end of the River Legacy Park north parking lot, accessed off Collins Street.

The brickwork at the Nature Overlook has embedded information informing you about the critters you might see as you look out over the Nature Overlook.

See that unnatural looking white stick sticking up in the natural area you look at from the Nature Overlook?

Below is a closeup look at that unnatural looking white stick.

Yes, you guessed correctly, the aforementioned wide swath of clear cut parkland cuts right through the natural area viewed from the Nature Overlook.

River Legacy Park, over the years, has fussed over kids making unauthorized BMX bike trails at one specific location in the park.

I imagine a really humongous fuss must have been made over this clear cut through the River Legacy Park natural area. It seems a bit more destructive of park land than some kid's BMX bike trails.

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