Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Walk With The Gateway Park Trees Before Picking Strawberries

Trees seemed to be the theme of my walk on a few miles of the Gateway Park paved trails today.

I like this time of year in Texas, foliage wise.

Most of the leaves on most of the trees are long gone, making for a completely different look from the jungle that will begin to re-sprout in a couple months.

Today's walk was immensely more pleasant than yesterday's chilly, breezy walk with the Fosdick Lake ducks.

I was slightly, ever so slightly, surprised when I came to Gateway Park's #2 Boardwalk today.

Surprised because the "Closed To Public" sign was nowhere to be seen. And the yellow crime scene tape was gone.

Have the boardwalks been fixed was my first thought. Then, upon seeing that the Boardwalk had not been fixed, my second thought was a mischievous park vandal had been at work.

Mother Nature has also been doing some mischievous vandalizing since my last walkabout in Gateway Park.

As you can see a tree has either grown into a vertical trail blocking position, or Mother Nature blew the tree down to be a trail block.

Whatever it was that put this tree into this trail blocking position, it took a very strenuous effort to circumvent the trail blockage.

When I finished with my walkabout I headed to the Beach Street Walmart. When I drove by the Beach Street Town Talk I saw that strawberries were the featured product of the day.

So, I stopped at Town Talk and got me some strawberries. People were scooping up the strawberries. Many people had multiple flats in the carts. A flat of strawberries was only costing $6. I had no idea what I would do with that many strawberries, so I only got 2 boxes.

That is still a lot of strawberries.

That likely will not taste very good and will likely cause me to lament missing the tasty, sweet Skagit Valley strawberries of my long ago youth.


  1. I have a perfect idea. Send the excess strawberries over to your mothers house in Arizona. This will solve her fruit freezing issue.

  2. Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. Anonymous, I only have 2 boxes of strawberries. Should I ship them to Arizona I doubt they would arrive in AZ in a pre molding condition. But, thank you very much for your very kind suggestion.
