Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wishing You A Very Merry White Christmas From Australia

This morning I got an email from Betty Jo Bouvier with the subject line being "Christmas Snow" and the email message being...

Just type in your address or any family addresses at this Australian website and look through the window at the snow falling on your home today. It's amazing!!!!

Just like I always do, I did as instructed and clicked on the link and entered my address expecting to be amazed, because Betty Jo Bouvier almost never disappoints.


It is true a couple of my windows have multiple panes, like the one above. The security fence looks sort of like my security fence, however I can not see the security fence via looking out any of my windows. I certainly can see no sidewalk like the one in the picture when I look out any of my windows.

After not being too amazed on the first try, I entered the address of the location I grew up in, in the small burg of Burlington, Washington. This time the view was not through a window, but was instead, looking through a non-existent window from the park across the street at the house I grew up in. The view was fairly accurate, including the pink house next door, which I am surprised it is still pink after all these years.

I tried to check out the Christmas view from the house I lived in, in Mount Vernon, before I moved to Texas, but, the Australians could not find that house. Maybe a house has to be a half century old, or older, before it can be found.

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