Thursday, December 6, 2012

Walking With Village Creek Indian Ghosts Wondering How One Gets Some Legal Washington Marijuana

Today, in the noon timeframe, I was walking with the Indian Ghosts, who haunt Arlington's Village Creek Natural Historical Area, when I heard a familiar rustling noise.

It was an armadillo.

The State Small Mammal of Texas.

This was a big one. I made a noise to catch the foraging critter's attention, which caused it to sort of get on its rear haunches and quickly look around, too quickly for me to get a picture of an armadillo on its haunches before it got back to foraging.

Is an armadillo edible? I have no idea. I remember a restaurant one saw soon upon leaving the freeway, in Woodinville, in Washington, that seemed to indicate armadillo was on the menu, that indication made via text painted on a window. I always assumed this was some sort of joke, the humor of which escaped me.

Speaking of Washington. I knew that today is the day that smoking marijuana became legal in Washington. During lunch I watched coverage of this on CNN. Apparently you can have up to an ounce of pot in your possession. However, it is illegal to sell or grow the weed. I know the state already has medicinal marijuana growers, but that is not were you can get your recreational smoking material.

Very perplexing.

So, even though it is now legal to smoke the stuff in my old home state, there is no way to legally obtain the herb.

In addition to it being illegal to buy marijuana for recreational use, in Washington, it is also illegal to smoke it in public. Which seems a bit odd, to me. The CNN story showed a smoking celebration at the base of the Space Needle. In public. And way back when I still lived in Washington smoking the stuff in public was not all that frowned upon.

Methinks this new law in Washington has opened a can of worms, to coin a phrase (or is this already a cliche?) that may lead to some interesting twists and turns before the legal recreational use of marijuana in Washington situation becomes clear.

Does anyone know what the usual lag time is that it takes one of the non-progressive states to adopt the changes that the progressive states make? I know droopy drawers left Washington sometime back in the last century, while I regular still see that abomination, in Texas, as recently as on the drive to walk with the Indian Ghosts.

Prohibition ended in Washington back in the early 1930s,  while it lingers, in various forms, in Texas,  8 decades later.

1 comment:

  1. We ate at that Armadillo BBQ in Woodinville. Once. Once too often as well. Remember, too, that Washington only had state liquor stores until a year ago.
