Saturday, December 1, 2012

Prairie Notes #72: Prairie To The People! Solves The Mystery Of The Tandy Hills Signpost Hieroglypics

With today being the first day of the last month of 2012 it did not surprise me too much to see incoming email this morning from Don Young with Prairie Notes #72: Prairie to the People!

Prairie to the People! is the theme for the 2013 Prairie Fest.

This month's Prairie Notes includes the above Tandy Hills Trail Map, created by Eagle Scout, C.R. Wright. C.R. is also the creator of the newly installed trail sign posts on the Tandy Hills, with hieroglyphics denoting 5 different trails.

From C.R.'s Trail Map I learned I'd only correctly interpreted one of the signpost hieroglyphics, that being the Roadrunner Trail.

The trail I thought was the Eagle or Grackle Trail is actually the Hawk Trail.

The trail I thought was the Jackrabbit  Trail is actually the Cottontail Trail.

The trail I thought was the Sun Trail is actually the Wildflower Loop.

The trail I thought was the Grass Trail is actually the Bluestem Trail.

Bluestem is a type of grass, so I was a little close with that one.

Prairie to the People! I rather like the sound of that.

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