Thursday, December 13, 2012

Finding Endorphins On The Tandy Hills While Thinking About Munchausen Syndrome

In the picture you are on the freeway overlook, at the far north end of the View Street trail, on the Tandy Hills, looking west at the Interstate 30 freeway, towards the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

As you can see, it is yet one more clear blue sky late Fall day in Texas, with nary any snow remaining that may have fallen on Monday.

Today I was desperately in need of some endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation, due to the fact that the Arctic Blast has kept me from swimming or hiking.

The hiking I could have done, if sufficiently insulated against the cold, but I chose not to.

Today it was warmed up enough that I was able to have myself a very long hike whilst wearing only short pants and t-shirt, what with the temperature being an almost balmy almost 60.

Changing the subject from the pleasant to the less so.

I can go weeks, maybe months, without any input or output regarding Gar the Texan. For reasons not fathomable to me, this week I've been seeing a virtual flood of Gar the Texan incoming content.

For instance,  I had no idea Gar the Texan had so many medical maladies, which require so many different specialists.

The number of Gar the Texan's medical maladies seems to be approaching the level of the entity I call Debbi, because, well, that's her name. Miss Debbi's level of nonstop medical maladies was so over the top it led me to suggest that perhaps she might be suffering from Munchausen Syndrome.

I think Gar the Texan might have Munchausen Syndrome, in addition to his other maladies..

Til this week the only Gar the Texan medical maladies that I was aware of were diabetes and Asperger Syndrome.

But, in addition to those two medical woes, Gar the Texan also goes to a hand surgeon due to something called Dupuytren's Contracture, a Peridontist due to his teeth falling out, an Endocrinologist due to the aforementioned diabetes and a Urologist who prescribed Tadalafil to help Gar the Texan's flagging flagger fly higher than half mast.

I had no idea Gar the Texan was such a mess. Had I known I may have been more sympathetic about his excessive use of cliches whilst obsessively talking about himself...

1 comment:

  1. I've never told anyone about my flagging flagger!

    Have you been having secret communications with my most recent Gal Pal?
