Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. Has Invited Me To A Sundance Square Plaza Open House

This afternoon I finally got my invitation from Downtown Forth Worth, Inc. to tomorrow's Open House featuring the Sundance Square Plaza.

I have no idea what this means.

I have been aware for some time that downtown Fort Worth's Sundance Square was finally going to have a Square, after years of confusing tourists with signs pointing to the non-existent Sundance Square, with the bizarre explanation given those who asked, that Sundance Square was the name for the downtown area of Fort Worth that had been revitalized from its previous craptacularness.

A lot of people assumed that downtown Fort Worth's parking lots were Sundance Square. Most big city downtown's do not have big parking lots, what with open parcels of land being so valuable for other uses.

Like high rise skyscrapers. Or resident towers. Or vertical shopping malls. Or downtown department stores.

Now, what I am wondering about this Open House for the Sundance Square Plaza, is this what the long promised actual Square is going to be called?

Sundance Square Plaza?

Will the odd "Sundance Square" verbiage still be used to describe the down area that had been revitalized from its previous craptacularness?

Methinks the term "Sundance Square" should be dropped as the descriptor for Fort Worth's downtown core, with the term "Sundance Square" applied solely to the new plaza.

And thus end the decades of confusing the few lost souls who choose to be tourists in downtown Fort Worth.

The Open House is tomorrow, December 5, from 4 til 6 in the afternoon, at the Norris Conference Center at 304 Houston Street in beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

Is the Norris Conference Center in Sundance Square Plaza, I can't help but wonder? I guess I could find that out if I attend this Open House to which I have been invited....

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