Thursday, November 8, 2012

The City Of Fort Worth Is Allowing The Clear Cutting Of Miss Puerto Rico's Forest

What you are looking at above is the view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony, today, looking north, across the apartment complex she helps manage and the canopy of green foliage that helps create a park-like setting for Miss Puerto Rico's property.


A couple months ago Miss Puerto Rico's property was sold to a new owner.

This new owner does not like trees.

Last month, on the day before Miss Puerto Rico flew back to her home island, she called me, quite upset, because she'd just learned that the new owner was going to have all the trees, on the property she helps manage, cut down.

Miss Puerto Rico thought this clear cut was going to take place during the week she was back on her home island. However, this did not happen.

Then, a couple days ago, big X's began to appear on the trees. Last night Miss Puerto Rico told  me the trees were going to start coming down on Friday, as in tomorrow.

The town to the east of Fort Worth, Arlington, has a city ordinance regarding tree removal whereby a citizen must get permission to cut a tree on their property. I do not know if this involves a permit or what.

Below is what it looks like below the canopy of green foliage you see from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony. You are looking at some of the marked by X for Death trees. These trees are located in the center of the picture you see above.

Apparently the non-progressive City of Fort Worth has no city ordinance regarding tree removal.

Removing trees can have serious consequences. Trees help slow up flooding. The shade helps with cooling.

And, aesthetically, trees are appealing. I will miss the foliage view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony. Watching the trees sway during the gusts of a windstorm is borderline hypnotic.

1 comment:

  1. FW used to have a Forestry Board of which I was a member. Shortly after gas drilling picked up steam it was disbanded although gas drilling sites were exempted. Apparently, developers had more clout than a citizen's board.
