Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hard Hats On The Fall Colorful Tandy Hills With Stevie Wonder In Town Talk

For my Saturday endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation I opted to do some hill hiking, venturing to the seldom visited, by me, northeast section of the Tandy Hills Natural Area.

That white object you see in the picture is a hard hat.    I do not know why a hard hat would be located in this isolated location. I did not look under the hard hat to see if there was a head inside.

With Fall well underway the leaves on the trees and bushes are beginning to put on their annual color show, as you can see in the picture with the hard hat.

In addition to the hard hat I was accosted by two humans today, along with their dog, Roxy. Roxy violated my personal space by putting her paws on me. The female half of the two humans tried to get control of the beast to little avail. Eventually Roxy ceased attacking me and we parted ways.

Above is another view of the Fall color coloring the Tandy Hills. This view is looking west from the trail junction halfway down Mount Tandy.

I had myself a nice long swim early this morning. Days with temperatures in the 80s have the pool not being cool. The Tandy Hills were also not cool today, with the temperature nearing 80, hot enough to require a minimalist approach to outerwear, but not hot enough to cause a very severe steambath effect.

After I finished my hill hiking I went to Town Talk. I got myself a lot of tomatoes today. Among other things.

Stevie Wonder, or a guy who looked a lot like Stevie Wonder, asked me for help in Town Talk. I'd bumped into his walking stick. He apologized to me, when it was I who was being a klutz.

Stevie Wonder then asked me if he could ask me something. Sure, said I.

It was only then I realized Stevie Wonder was slight of sight. He was using some sort of illuminated magnifying glass thing to look at products. He asked me if the chicken breasts were half price. It did not say so on the package, but did say so on a sign stuck to the freezer.

Stevie Wonder thanked me for helping him, and I continued on my way. Later I realized I should have asked him if he'd like me to help him  find stuff in Town Talk. Town Talk is not a brightly lit store. I have trouble reading the Town Talk labels sometimes.

I wonder how Stevie Wonder got to Town Talk? Obviously he did not drive himself there.

So, that has been my exciting Saturday, so far. I think I may go swimming again.

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