Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Off To A Rocky Start With Ruby & Theo Terrorized By Jolly Red Giant

I don't know what my nephew David was thinking, taking his high strung little sister and brother, the twins, Ruby & Theo, to sit on the lap of a stranger dressed like a big, red, bearded monster.

David looks quite pleased and not at all concerned that his siblings are in hysterics.

I have no details regarding the final outcome of this apparent debacle. All the poodles, Blue & Max, shared, was the photographic evidence of the terrorized twins.


  1. That is funny, Durango. Before you learn to like him as Santa- he is just some fuzzy nut in a weird red suit.

  2. Oh my goodness. That is awful but it made me laugh.

  3. That is the cutest picture. It looks just like a Norman Rockwell.
