Monday, October 15, 2012

Spencer Jack's Smashing Pumpkin Tragedy

I've never seen Spencer Jack look as unhappy as he does this morning via a picture sent via email from Spencer Jack's dad.

A couple days ago I mentioned that Spencer Jack and his favorite girlfriend, Brittney, had gone pumpkin hunting.

Sunday morning it was discovered that Spencer Jack's Jack-o-Lantern had met a smashing sad end.

Below is Spencer Jack's dad's email explaining the smashed pumpkin....

Spencer Jack's morning chores are to a) make his bed, b) put away his water bottle, c) open all the shades and blinds in the house and d) bring his dad the paper. It wasn't until d) where he learned that some people in this world are just not nice. Returning from the front porch with the Sunday editions of the Seattle Times and the local Skagit Valley Herald he discovered that his recently attained pumpkin was missing. As noted on your blog...he and his girlfriend Brittney picked out this $7 monstrous pumpkin yesterday in the annual trip to the pumpkin patch. He was so proud. And eager to carve and color it. And sad that it was gone. He thought perhaps the wind blew it away. His dad quickly dressed and Spencer and him walked one block away where we found the pumpkin smashed in the middle of the street. His dad explained to him that somebody took his pumpkin and the the wind was not to blame. He's been upset all day. His girlfriend promised him that they can return to the pumpkin patch and find a replacement pumpkin. That made him happy. He is insisting that we keep the replacement pumpkin indoors.

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