Saturday, October 13, 2012

Spencer Jack Goes Pumpkin Hunting While I Am In Texas Thinking About The Dreaded Holiday Season

A few minutes ago, after I found out, via Facebook and Google, that Mitt Romney is Completely Wrong, I came upon a picture of my great grand nephew (or is it grand great nephew? I never know) Spencer Jack.

Apparently Spencer's favorite girl friend, Brittney, took him pumpkin hunting.

October seems to be melting away very quickly, with over a third of the 10th month of 2012 already passed into history.

Soon it will be Halloween, quickly followed by November and the dreaded (by me) holiday season, with Thanksgiving, Christmas and a New Year arriving.

I am almost 100% certain that at some point in time during that dreaded (by me) holiday season I will be in Arizona.

I do not believe I will be in Arizona during the Christmas part of the dreaded (by me) holiday season. It will be earlier in the month.

I have not spent Christmas with my mom and dad since Christmas of the year 2000, also in Arizona, but further south and west, in Yuma.

That was a very pleasant Christmas. It was where I saw my first ever luminarias.

Christmas morning breakfast was at a Yuma casino, followed by a trip to the Mexican border town of Algodones where I got some cool artwork and was offered real cheap Viagra whilst walking the streets of Algodones in front of my mom and dad.

The Viagra offer was vaguely embarrassing.

I wonder what Spencer Jack's Halloween costume will be this year? Last year he was a railroad crossing. That unique Halloween costume got Spencer Jack in the Skagit Valley Herald for the first time.

I remember Spencer's Uncle Joey, he being my nephew, texted me telling me "Spencer in SVH."  I got that text whilst hiking the Tandy Hills. By the time I got back to my computer Spencer's grandma, she being my favorite ex-sister-in-law, had emailed me with the same message, albeit with a bit more text.

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