Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Paperwork Drives Me To Village Creek Walking With Re-Fried Beans

I had myself a very pleasant swim this morning with the water again being a little warmer than the air, which was chilled to somewhere in the high 50s or low 60s. It's been hours since I was in the pool and my memory is failing me in the remembering this morning's temperature department.

After swimming, several hours this morning were spent filling out paperwork. Pages of paperwork. I don't like filling out paperwork. I no longer write very legibly, with printing numbers with a pen in my left hand, being particularly difficult. More than half of the paperworking involved printing numbers.

Miss Puerto Rico flew to her home island this morning. I did not drive her to the airport. I've not driven Miss Puerto Rico to the airport since the incident on Obama's Inauguration Day way back in January of 2009, which had Miss Puerto Rico locked up for hours in the airport's jail.

I guess I am blessed in that in my long life I have only known 2 criminals who have done jail time. Miss Puerto Rico's airport jail time was for the relatively innocuous crime of over medicating on alcohol to fortify her flying courage. The other criminal I have known committed the crime of stealing 100s of thousands of dollars. That is a bit more serious crime than being drunk at the airport. Miss Puerto is not a convicted felon and thus is able to vote. The other criminal is a convicted felon and thus not allowed to vote.

During her absence I have agreed to check in on Miss Puerto Rico's very ill-behaved feline named Tasha. I'll do that sometime after 6 this evening.

In the picture above you are looking at the trail that winds around Village Creek in the Village Creek Natural Historical Area in Arlington. That was my go to place today for my daily dose of endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation.

I guess I am looking forward to tonight's debate. Til then I've got some beans that need to be re-fried. With cilantro.

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