Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I Will Not Ride A Horse With My Cowboy Nephew David

In the picture you are looking at my nephew, Cowboy David, in the saddle on his horse, White Socks.

I will likely be seeing Cowboy David and his siblings, the twins, Theo John and Ruby Jean, in December, in Arizona.

I am almost 100% certain David will not be riding White Socks to Arizona.

David is mastering his horse riding skills prior to taking a trip to Texas, in January, to visit his favorite Texas uncle.

While in Texas Cowboy David will be going to the Fort Worth Stock Show to go to the rodeo in the decrepit, ancient Will Rogers Coliseum.

Prior to going to the Stock Show, David will be riding White Socks in the world's biggest non-mechanized parade, that being the Fort Worth Stock Show Parade.

I am hoping Cowboy David is not expecting his favorite uncle to ride a horse with him. Nothing good ever happens when Cowboy David's favorite uncle gets on a horse.

The last time Cowboy David's favorite uncle was on a horse was on the 4th of July, 2000, a date which lives on in infamy. The horse went crazy and tried to kill me whilst trying to get to a carrot that the beast knew was in the barn.

That is the short version. Suffice to say it left me traumatized, with recurring related nightmares which recur to the present.

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