Saturday, October 27, 2012

Did Godzilla Torch Big Tex?

On Facebook this morning I saw the above new explanation as to what set Big Tex on fire at this year's State Fair of Texas.

I've not read anything about any investigation into what caused Big Tex to go up in flames, other than it was some electrical malfunction. I have not read anything about why it was that Big Tex was constructed of such flammable material.

And what about the children? It had to be traumatic for a little kid at the fair, gawking at Big Tex, listening to him talk, watching him wave his arm and then to suddenly see Big Tex start to smoke, then burst into flames.

Fairgoers can get fairly close to Big Tex. On my last visit he was surrounded by a train and landscaping and a fence. When Big Tex burned up did the crowd run? Or did the conflagration happen so suddenly that Big Tex was toast before there was a chance to run away from the flames?

Is anyone suing the State Fair of Texas for traumatizing their little kid with a flammable Big Tex? How about those people who were stuck high in the air, on a Midway carnvial ride, for hours, on the same day Big Tex died?


  1. The radio announcer, with wry humor, said he "got hot under the collar."

  2. A comic strip about the fiasco :)
