Monday, October 8, 2012

Another Extremely Cold Day In Texas Wondering About The Texas State Fair Butter Sculpture

39 degrees this second Monday of the 10th month of 2012. I don't remember the temperature switching from air conditioning mode to heater mode, this abruptly, previously in Texas.

I do remember being weather shocked soon upon my arrival in Texas, way back late in the last century. It was in December. I left Washington with the rain pouring and arrived in Texas with the rain pouring. Rain pouring and warm, as in the 70s. Within a week I was to experience the shock of my first Ice Storm, with the temperature dropping to 15 degrees.

The temperature average the last 24 hours has been less than 50 degrees. Thus not meeting my getting in the pool criteria. However, I think I will try it anyway. Yesterday, when it was 49, swimming was pleasant after a short adjustment period.

This morning I got a blog comment asking me if I knew what the Butter Sculpture was this year at the State Fair of Texas. I have no idea what got sculpted this year.

Well, I guess I will go swimming now before it gets any colder.

UPDATE: Swimming did not go well. I lasted less than a minute.

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