Tuesday, October 9, 2012

An Early Morning Swim The Day After Record Breaking North Texas Cold

Looking out the window at the turquoise sea below, and the cloudy sky above, one would think the morning of the second Tuesday of October of 2012 is dark and stormy at my location in North Texas.

Looks can be deceiving. I hope. We are, supposedly scheduled to heat up today to a possibly needing air-conditioning temperature of 82, with a few clouds doing a little sun blocking. Currently it is 20 degrees less than 82 at my location.

Yesterday's low of 39 was a record breaking chill at the official North Texas temperature monitoring location at D/FW International Airport.

Yesterday's morning chill had me quickly aborting my attempt at swimming in the turquoise sea. This morning I did not abort, I had myself a long swim in the refreshingly brisk water.

Today my additional endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation will take place at Quanah Parker Park in the form of running sprints. Running sprints is a fast track way to get back into jogging shape. I hope.


  1. Wow thats amazing. Do you know what the water temperature was during your swim Durango?

  2. Swimming Gear, is that your real name? According to the semi-accurate pool thermometer the water was 52 degrees.
