Sunday, September 2, 2012

Today I Visited The Indian Ghosts Who Haunt The Village Creek Historical Area Then Went For A Walk In The Natural Area

That is Village Creek in Arlington you are looking at in the picture. Since that is Village Creek you might correctly guess I went to the place I call the Village Creek Natural Historical Area today for one of my frequent walks with the Indian Ghosts who inhabit this area.

I walked with the Indian Ghosts in the noon time frame. Prior to the noon time frame I drove north to Hurst to ALDI because I needed fat free refried beans and some other things.

The freeway construction that I drive through en route to ALDI, and back, makes me nervous.

Anyone else made nervous by the construction in the juncture of 820/121 zone? The road support beams have been laid on the support columns. It looks very flimsy. Some of the beams look as if they are barely touching the support columns.

It looks like a good wind could wreak havoc. Good thing earthquakes don't happen here.

Above, I said that today I went to the place I call the Village Creek Natural Historical Area. I realized today, and may have realized this previously, but forgot, but at the entry to this area the sign indicates you are at Village Creek Historical Area. No mention made on the sign about anything being Natural. That is the sign to which I refer, below.

So, you park in the Historical Area's Parking lot and walk towards the paved trail that leads to Village Creek. At the trailhead of the paved trail there is an historical marker. Having an historical marker in an historical area seems to make a lot of sense to me.

On the historical marker one learns why this area is called Village Creek, that reason being that one of the biggest Indian villages in America was located at this location, until the Texan evicted them using a primitive version of eminent domain to remove the Caddoan Confederation of tribes that made their home here.

The people of the Anadarko, Bidais, Caddo, Keechi, Kickapoo, Tawakoni, Tonkawa, Waco, Waxahachie and Wichita tribes were forced to leave their town, either by being run out of it. Or by being killed.

Like I said, you come to this Village Creek Historical Marker in the Village Creek Historical Area, you then walk past the historical marker (below) to the paved trail, to suddenly see new signage that indicates you have left the Historical Area, to enter a new area.

The sign one sees as one walks past the Historical Marker informs the walker that one is now in the Village Creek Natural Area.

All this time I've been saying I went for a walk with the Indian Ghosts who haunt the Village Creek Natural Historical Area, erroneously.

I do not know how I could have so carelessly made such a dumb mistake.

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