Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Labor Day Weekend First Day Of September In Texas

Looking out at the outer world on this first day of September it appears this 9th month of 2012 is beginning with a pleasant blue sky Saturday at my location, currently heated to a semi-chilly 83 degrees.

The first of the four 'ber' months usually starts warm and then with each subsequent 'ber' month, by the 4th one, that being December, ice and snow becomes possible.

Ice and snow hardly seems possible at the current time.

I don't remember if it at the end of September I start being surprised to be able to still be swimming, or it is the end of October? I know by December, last year, it was too brrrr til February to get in the pool.

Today I think I will pedal the FWMBA mountain bike trail in River Legacy Park and then go to Town Talk. Town Talk is very close to Gateway Park.

Yesterday I mentioned Marie's topographical adjustment problem. I suggested Marie check out River Legacy Park. Marie amusingly commented on that suggestion, among other things.....

Marie has left a new comment on your post "I Took My Handlebars To River Legacy Park Today While Worrying About Marie's Topographical Adjustment": 

Hey, Durango - you're killing me with Pacific Northwest memories. I too remember being grateful that traffic had stopped so that I could take in the view! The floating bridge was great - so was coming south on I-5 on a sunny day and seeing Mt. Rainier standing in front of you as big as God. Or the Alaskan Way Viaduct at sunset. And the lack of garbage - yes! What gives here? Garbage makes my forehead wrinkle. On the other hand, I do appreciate many things here. Gas is cheaper. Everything's cheaper. There is no state income tax (none in Washington either, but Californication takes a hefty bite.) And many nice folks. Like aerobic bloggers who point the way to shady paths for the topographically challenged. Loved the tree pics on River Legacy Park's site - I shall head over. Many thanks! 

It is quite true that that which one buys is usually cheaper in Texas. When I return to the Washington zone I have sticker shock at times.

1 comment:

  1. The annual AC bill is a lot bigger in Arlington TX than in Arlington WA.
