Sunday, September 9, 2012

Spencer Jack's Dad & Favorite Girlfriend Flew Over My Head Yesterday

In my email box this morning there were several emails from Spencer Jack's dad, sent, I think, whilst he was above me a few thousand miles.

The first email's text said "en route to St. Barts."

I knew Spencer Jack's dad and Spencer's favorite girlfriend were flying to Miami yesterday, in order to get on a boat this morning to sail to some islands in the Caribbean. I knew this because I'd emailed Spencer's dad yesterday to thank him for the pictures of the shrinking Skagit River, to which Spencer's dad replied...

"You're welcome. Spencer enjoys playing in the river!  Brittney and I had to escape the dusty and dry Skagit Valley for a moister climate.  Currently en route to Miami with plans to board a cruise ship tomorrow morning."

That is Brittney above, in some sort of first class pod on a bankrupt American Airlines plane. The text that accompanied the picture of Brittney said, "Spencer's girlfriend Brittney was less than amused when I interrupted her movie watching to highlight the fact that we were within just a few miles (vertically) of my favorite uncle's Tandy Hills."

One of the other emails had a picture of Spencer's dad in his first class pod, with the text accompanying that email surprising me by indicating my nephew had learned to speak Texan...

"I was just a mere 39,000 feet above the Tandy Hills today. Flew right over the top of y'all."

A few years ago, on the way back north from being on a Caribbean cruise, Spencer Jack's dad landed in the D/FW zone for a few hours. The layover was long enough for me to pick up my nephew and his little brother, to exit the airport to give the boys a short D/FW tour.

I do not believe there will be a D/FW layover this time.

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