Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy Birthday To My Mom & Dad After A Cool Swim With An Incoming Nephew

In the picture you are looking at the earliest known photograph of me skinnydipping.

My mom and dad sent this photo to various relatives, which had my grandpa and grandma sending money to my mom and dad in Eugene, Oregon, telling them to buy that boy some clothes.

Today is the day my mom and dad's eldest son was born.

A long time ago.

I have never been a fan of birthdays, my own or anyone's. I think it is primarily, the mom, and secondarily, the dad, who should have Happy Birthday said to them on the anniversary of the birthday of one of their offspring.

That would give my mom and dad 5 happy birthdays, in addition to their own.

So, Happy Birthday, mom and dad.

On this very day, August 11, 11 years ago, I dropped in, unexpectedly, on my mom and dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party, at my sister's in Kent, Washington.

My nephew Christopher and his best friend, Jeff, were at my mom and dad's 50th. That is Christopher, known as CJ, and Jeff in the picture, with Jeff trying to get ahold of one of my sister's mutts, likely Rosie the Rat Dog.

Jeff currently lives in the D/FW Metroplex, in Lewisville. CJ is flying here on Thursday to stay a few days with Jeff, in preparation for Jeff's wedding in September.

I don't know if I will be seeing CJ whilst he is in the D/FW zone. There is a 3 day window of opportunity. My one longtime blog reader may remember seeing CJ when I was in Arizona in March.

I don't know if CJ is flying into D/FW International or Love Field. I suspect Love Field due to CJ's mother's tendency to fly on Southwest, a tendency she has likely passed on to her children.

Changing the subject to something else.

The Arctic Blast arrived here as predicted last night. I had my windows open. It was barely in the 70s by the time the sun came up. This made for a slightly chilly skinny dip this morning. It is currently almost 10 in the morning and it is only 78 degrees and I still have my windows open.

Windows open in August seems unprecedented, to me.

1 comment:

  1. I about had a heart attack. Right after your suggestion that a child's birthday should be a parental celebration, you said you dropped in on their 50th wedding anniversary.

    Oh my god, your poor mother having to deliver you on here 50th... but I came to my senses and figured you had shifted your perspective a bit.
