Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Sunny Sunday Once Again Pedaling Past A Gateway Park Armadillo Corpse

Swimming, this morning, was uneventful, except for the fact that the water seems to be being unnaturally cooler than the air.

Mountain biking at Gateway Park was uneventful, today, with nothing striking me with an urge to get out the camera to take a picture.

I was not pleased to see that the corpse of the murdered Gateway Park armadillo has not had a proper burial. The corpse has been moved a couple feet, no longer resting in peace on the paved trail that leads to the mountain bike trail.

A few minutes ago, mid Sunday afternoon, I stepped outside to retrieve my swimming suit from the pool patio and took a picture of the extremely sunny Sunday view of the outer world at my location on the planet.

We have not yet reached the 100 degree mark, this sunny Sunday. I suspect that will occur within the next 2 hours.

Yesterday I was more than a little surprised to learn that my parental units, unbeknownst to me, last week, escaped the Arizona heat by driving to Montana, with a drive through Yellowstone National Park on the way.

Why my parental unit's sudden roadtrip surprised me is because just a couple days before their departure I was told that they were in no condition to escape the Arizona HEAT by driving to a cool place, like Bend, Oregon, for example, even though they had a very good reason to drive to Bend, Oregon.

Tomorrow is my mom and dad's 61st Anniversary. It is easy to remember my mom and dad's anniversary because it is the same day that Hiroshima got nuked. I guess they couldn't wait til December 7 to get married, and so August 6 became the day.

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