Saturday, July 7, 2012

Looking Out For New Signage From TRVD Along The Trinity River

Continuing on with our look at the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle Volume VII - Issue 1 - Summer 2012 Update.

As I read the TRVB Update, at times, what I was reading had me wondering if those who were writing the verbiage were just making it up, thinking that no one is going to read this, and of the few who do, few will have actually seen, in person, what is being described.

For instance, let's take the article in the Update titled LOOKOUT FOR NEW TRINITY TRAILS SIGNAGE FROM TRVD ALONG THE TRINITY RIVER.

Below is a blurb from that article....

At the community's request TRWD continues to expand their recreation efforts by providing the beloved Trinity Trails system with new amenities. One of the many requests has been to update the current signage along the trails as well as creating additional signs. TRWD has responded by placing new signs along the entire trail system that provide users better notice of trailheads and wayfinding.

In addition to the signs TRWD has added everything from new restrooms at trailheads to state-of-the-art canoe launches to the trail system. These improvements were a result of requests voiced by trail users and neighborhood improvement committees. A number of new signs are at the improved sites to explain the amenities provided for the public. In addition, there are signs letting trail users know every amenity each trailhead provides, acknowledging additional sponsors and directing trail users to the nearest access point.

The TRWD is expanding recreation efforts with new amenities at the community's request?

By what form does the community make these requests? To whom are the requests made? Is there some sort of request hotline about which I am ignorant?

One of the many requests has been to update trail signage?


Someone called the request hotline, or by some other request means, requesting trail signage be updated? Why does that seem really unlikely to me?

In addition to the updated signage these community requests have also resulted in new restrooms at trailheads and state-of-the-art canoe launches?

I have no idea what a state-of-the-art canoe launch might be. Do you?

New restrooms at trailheads? Where were the old restrooms at trailheads? The only thing I have seen added to the Trinity Trails that one might call a restroom is the outhouse that is part of the TRWD/TRVB's Woodshed Smokehouse. Those state-of-the-art "restrooms" also have an outdoor shower. Likely another amenity requested by the mysterious community.

As for the updated signage placed along the entire trail system to provide users better notice of trailheads and wayfinding.

Wayfinding? If you can't find your way on the Trinity Trail you really should just stay home.

Better notice of trailheads? What does that mean? A couple weeks ago I made note of these new signs on this very blog.  I saw a couple of the signs at trail junctions. The signs seemed fairly useless to me. I mean, does someone really need a sign pointing them to the direction of downtown?

The signage looked tacky to me, like temporary futuristic signage one might see at a World's Fair.

The signage could have had a cool/useful factor with just a little tweaking.

Why not Old West style signs, like one might come upon on a trail in the wagon train days.

Instead of just pointing towards Gateway Park, add the distance, as in Gateway Park 4.6 miles. That would be useful. Downtown 2.4 miles, Stockyards 3.5 miles, Interior Water Feature 1.5 miles.

Whimsical signage could be added, like San Antonio 230 miles, El Paso 605 miles, that type thing.

Instead we've got these tacky, plastic looking signs, with mostly useless information on them, and information that will soon be dated. Like pointing trail users to the soon to go out of business Cowtown Wakepark.

Has anyone from the community requested that J.D. Granger be fired and replaced with a qualified person?

Has anyone from the community requested that the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle be put to a public vote?

Has anyone from the community requested that public funds cease being wasted on an un-needed flood control project and instead be spent on a needed flood control project, like fixing the killer Haltom City Fossil Creek flood problem?

Has anyone from the community requested that instead of wasting money on an un-needed flood control project that money be spent cleaning up the Trinity River so that sane people might enjoy floating in the river in Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats?


  1. "Wayfinding? If you can't find your way on the Trinity Trail you really should just stay home."

    I had to see that again. It made me snort.

  2. Thanks for the entertaining bloggage about the signage, Durango.

    Like CatsPaw, I had some snortable moments while reading.

  3. Thanks, CP and MG. I don't know what I think about being the cause of all this snorting.
