Friday, July 6, 2012

Captain Crud & The Crud Cruiser Is Coming To Fort Worth's Green Fosdick Lake Interior Water Feature

In the picture we can see that the Fort Worth Interior Water Feature known as Fosdick Lake, in Oakland Lake Park, has turned a bit green.

A couple months ago we went through a period where Fosdick Lake was covered with thick green algae. I wondered at that point in time how bad the green slime would get when we started being heated to over 100 degrees.

Well, the layer of green algae has been long gone, with the Fosdick Lake Interior Water Feature now appearing to be tinted green, whilst free of an algae covering.

Today after admiring the new green color of Fosdick Lake I came upon signage stuck in the Oakland Lake Park lawn that gives me hope that help is on the way to save Fosdick Lake from its current green fate.

The first sign informs us that "The Crud Cruiser is Coming!" Asking us to "Help Captain Crud Conquer The Cruddies."

The second sign has Captain Crud advising us to "Drop off old Chemicals, Paint, Oil, etc."

The third sign lets us know Captain Crud and his Crud Cruiser will be at Oakland Lake Park this coming Saturday from noon til 2pm.

Fosdick Lake does have an oily rainbow sheen in a few locations. I'm sure Captain Crud will put a stop to that.

When I returned to my abode I saw that my original Chesapeake Energy Barnett Shale natural gas drilling operation has also returned, with a tower erected, with re-fracking likely soon to follow.

I hope those nefarious Chesapeake Energy people don't try and take advantage of Captain Crud by bringing truckfuls of their dirty fracking fluid to the Crud Cruiser on Saturday.

That "etc" in the list of bad stuff Captain Crud wanted in his Crud Cruiser seems to leave a door open for fracking fluid.

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