Sunday, July 1, 2012

At ALDI In Hurst I Found Gas So Cheap I'm Regretting Buying A Chevy Volt

In the picture you can likely guess we are not in Fort Worth, due to the telling clue that the roadway we are looking at appears to be landscaped.

We are in Hurst, standing on the ALDI Food Market parking lot, looking west, across Precinct Line Road at a RaceTrac gas station where gas is currently selling for $2.98 a gallon.

I recollect that before he quit running for president, Newt Gingrich promised he had a plan to get the price of gas down to $2.50. That did not seem to me to be all that promising a promise.

I remember when I was up in Washington for a month, almost 4 years ago, July 20 til August 20, that gas had almost reached 5 bucks a gallon upon my arrival. And then began to fall. If I remember right by the time I was being evicted back to Texas gas had fallen to $2.99 at the Puyallup Tribe gas station by their casino in Tacoma, causing a line that stretched to the freeway exit.

Soon upon arrival back in Texas I recollect gas going under 2 bucks at some stations, also causing lines. Just a few months later, the first week of 2009, my mom and dad were here, with gas costing only $1.31 a gallon, up from the low of $1.15 that I'd paid at a QT in North Richland Hills in late December.

With gas suddenly being so cheap I am sort of regretting buying a Chevy Volt. But am relieved to remember that that only happened in my dreams.

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