Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Alaska Bound Sister Is Stranded By Slides In Dawson Creek

I have now heard from my Alaska bound sister. Even though Internet connections are apparently dicey, email was sent and the Alaska blog is up and running.

I do not know if I am going to be helping with the Alaska blog as previously discussed, as it appears the Alaska bound trekkers have figured it out. Though, it does appear I could be of some use with some formatting issues.

Currently my sister, ex-wife and the three doggies are stranded, due to slides blocking the road. They have run out of water. I don't know if food supplies are running low, but I do know I saw a photo of my sister cooking bacon over a campfire.

Below is my sister's email about the Alaska trip, so far...

Ok...we are trying the blog thing but with the Internet so sparse and slow on our journey, you may or may not see much!


Will catch you up on our venture so far, sorta.

Anyhoots....Right now we are stuck in Dawson Creek for the next two day. The road going to Whitehorse is wiped out by slides and, from what we hear, Watson Lake, which is the last big stop before Whitehorse, is overwhelmed with travelers. 

So here we wait.

What we do see in the lakes, rivers and waterways is water, brown and ugly and way too much of it!  

Last campground we left yesterday had no water, as it has not passed a test yet and we came in there "dry in the tank" because in the camp book it said the campground had water!  We had to boil the water to wash dishes, do without showers, etc...lots of fun!  

What we hear is they are flying in provisions to the people on the other side of the slide, as most supplies come in by truck. So, they have no gas, etc.

It is amazing how many people do this trek. We got one of the last power/water/bad wifi sites in this park in Dawson Creek and most of the people are heading to Alaska. We are only going to stay one more night here, leave full of water and fuel to make Fort Nelson and see where in the lineup we will fall to continue our trek. We need to be in Denali by July 8th as we have reservations for us in the park and at a kennel for the mutts.

Ok, must fire this off before it is gone.....xoxoxo to all....

Me with LB and Mutts on the Road....yes, Rosie too!

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