Friday, June 1, 2012

I Love Downtown Fort Worth & The Biggest Comic Strip In Texas That Surrounds Sundance Square

Fairly frequently, I think due to me being such a big booster of Downtown Fort Worth, I get email from Downtown Fort Worth, Inc.

I got one of those emails yesterday. It was via that email I saw the cool new logo and slogan for Downtown Fort Worth.

From the Downtown Fort Worth Inc. website...

It's hard to describe Downtown Fort Worth in a few words. But one thing's for sure: "You Get It When You Get Here." Go ahead, take a look around, then come and see the real thing.

Get what? I'm not quite sure. You might get something if you join in on one of Downtown Fort Worth's J.D. Granger Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats.

Look around, and then come see the real thing? What real thing? I have no idea.

I have to say, the Downtown Fort Worth Inc. website is very well done. With a lot of information.

In the What We Do: NEWS section I learned that, after years of having no square in Sundance Square, construction has begun on a public plaza on Main Street between 3rd and 4th Streets.

Finally there will be a square in Sundance Square, after perplexing tourists for way too long in their futile search for the formerly non-existent square.

The Biggest Comic Strip in Texas has been built as a construction fence to keep prying eyes from seeing Sundance Square as it is being constructed. The construction fence/comic strip covers 36 panels, 7 feet tall by 16 feet wide. The biggest comic strip in Texas is Sundance Kid themed, in two parts, with part one being about the early 1900s era when the Sundance Kid, Butch Cassidy and the Hole in the Wall Gang wandered around Fort Worth's Hell's Half Acre, before it got covered with a Convention Center.

I'm not sure I understand part two of the biggest comic strip in Texas. From what I can glean, somehow the Sundance Kid finds himself back in modern times after an otherworldly mishap.

Does this mean the Sundance Kid finds himself back in 2012 downtown Fort Worth? Appalled at its current condition, with none of the saloons, bordellos and casinos he'd previously enjoyed in Hell's Half Acre and mad as hell that his name has been used to name a bunch of parking lots Sundance Square? And then uses his Super Hero powers to build a real square?

Also in the What We Do: NEWS section there is an article about a DFWI Luncheon for the Love of Cities that asks the question "How many times have you heard someone say "I love Fort Worth!" when talking about our city?"

I can quite honestly say I can not remember the last time I heard anyone say "I love Fort Worth!"

If ever.

After the article asks the I love Fort Worth question, the next paragraph informs us....

Downtown Fort Worth and the surrounding urban areas have seen a remarkable renaissance in the last decade.  Urban-focused blogs, grass root street events, innovative gatherings and a renewed interest in city life are changing the way people who love Fort Worth express that love. This is a wonderful byproduct of Fort Worth’s growth…the increased engagement of our neighbors in the life and future of their central city.

Have I ever mentioned what a HUGE fan I am of propaganda? I guess I don't have to mention it. It is sort of obvious, I would think, that I am a HUGE fan of propaganda. The more outrageously exaggerated, the better!

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