Monday, June 4, 2012

I Did Not Get Too Hot On The Tandy Hills Today

In the picture we are looking north, on top of Lost Sunglasses Ridge, in the noon time frame, on the Tandy Hills.

As you can see, clouds were blocking direct solar radiation from getting me hot, unlike yesterday, when I got way too HOT hiking.

Since the noon time frame the skies have brightened a little.

I heard, on the radio, during a news break from Rush Limbaugh's ranting, that we have some likely incoming rain clouds, heading this way from the west, scheduled to arrive on Wednesday. Apparently these incoming rain clouds have the potential to drop a lot of rain.

So, tomorrow may be my last day of salubrious endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation til the hills dry out.

1 comment:

  1. I got hot. Came out from work to a bike with a flat tire. Fixing a flat is not a good way to start the ride home on a day such as today.
