Sunday, May 27, 2012

Visiting Arlington's Veterans Park Soldier Talking To My Sister About Going To Alaska

I stopped for a walk in Veterans Park in Arlington on my way to Arlington's International District.

As you can see in the picture someone has laid flowers at the feet of the soldier who guards the Veterans Park Memorial.

It is Memorial Day Weekend, which likely is the reason for the flowers at the feet of the soldier who guards the Veterans Park Memorial.

I called my eldest sister whilst walking in Veterans Park. This eventually had me sitting on a park bench which caused my visit to Veterans Park to last much longer than I had anticipated.

In about a week my eldest sister is leaving Washington on a 3 month trip to Alaska, via the Alaskan Highway. She will be transporting herself, my ex-wife and 3 dogs in a bus sized, high-tech RV, which gets a couple miles per gallon.

Behind the RV my sister will be towing her Honda SUV. At some point after they make it to Anchorage the RV will be anchored at a RV storage spot, with the Honda SUV unhitched to serve as their vehicular transport to the Arctic Circle.

I have seen my sister's latest RV only once, on August 4 of 2008 at Bay View State Park. The RV is push button operated. Push a button and the bedroom expands. Push a button and the living room expands. Push a button and the flat screen TV appears. Push a button and Rosie the Robot delivers an adult beverage.

I made that last one up.

I like to stay in motels, rather than drive a motel on wheels.

All but less than a mile of the Alaskan Highway is paved these days. There are no longer long stretches without services.  Wi-fi is available at the campgrounds along the highway, so my sister will be emailing photos.

I have only been to Alaska once, a long long time ago. That trip was not made via a RV and the Alaskan Highway, it was via Alaskan Airlines, landing in Juneau. And then getting on a float plane to go to Hoonah, then Alaska Ferry to Sitka, then Alaskan Airlines back to Seattle.

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