Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Taking The Temperature In Fort Worth, Phoenix & Mount Vernon

I believe today has been our HOTTEST day of the year, so far, in North Texas. 95 degrees with the humidity making it feel like 103.

When last I talked to my mom and sister both mentioned being relieved to have the temperature back in the 90s after already hitting 110. Right at this point in time when I checked temperatures Fort Worth and Phoenix are both being heated to 95 degrees, with the Phoenix humidity making it feel like 106 in Arizona.

But, currently, Phoenix has only 5% humidity, while Fort Worth is smothering with 43% humidity. So, why does it supposedly feel 3 degrees HOTTER in the dry Phoenix desert?

Meanwhile, up in my old home zone, in the Skagit Valley of Washington, Mount Vernon is currently chilled to 55 degrees. And is more humid, at 62%, than Fort Worth.

Which, I guess, is why it supposedly feels like a relatively balmy 62 in Mount Vernon.

I see in the 3 forecasts that only Washington has rain in its forecast. How unexpected.


  1. According to the thermometer on my bike computer, it was 105. On a dark road in the sun. Warm even with a bit of breeze.

  2. All I know is that I am freaking tired of being cold. What is with Washington weather this year? 43 months until I return to the Lone Star State!

  3. If you dislike TX and the weather so much, why don't you go back to Washington? So much crticism from a tourist begins to just sound whiny.
