Friday, May 11, 2012

May Day 11 Postponing Going To Fort Worth's Trinity Uptown Drive-In Movie Theater

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world on the morning of May Day 11 the sun is not visible due to being shielded from my eyes by a layer of clouds.

There is evidence in the form of puddles that indicates some precipitation precipitated overnight. I did not hear any rain pitter pattering on my windows.

Due to the rain related potential mud issues I won't be doing any hill hiking today on the Tandy Hills. I am not a fan of muddy hiking.

I also won't be doing any swimming this morning because my pool is currently being shocked.

I don't know what my means will be today of acquiring some endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation.

I learned in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, this morning, that I won't be able to watch a movie at Fort Worth's new Trinity Uptown drive-in movie theater as soon as I thought I would. The Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's drive-in movie theater construction it taking longer than originally planned. Apparently problems arose regarding drainage, parking lots and landscaping.

J.D. Granger, he being the genius project engineer behind much of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle, is fine with the delay. He just wants the project done right, no matter how long it takes.

When the Trinity Uptown drive-in movie theater opens it will be interesting to see if it will be as huge a success as the Cowtown Wakepark.

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