Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day To All The World's Mothers

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. Mother's Day is May Day 13, the second Sunday of the 5th month of 2012.

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world I see a bright blue sky. But no matter what direction I look I see no mothers.

My own mother is about 1000 miles to the west. I must remember to make a non-gas related call to my mom today.

Yesterday we had an election here in North Texas. I did not vote. I was not aware of anything I needed to vote for. Or against.

The only local race I am even remotely curious about is whether or not Glen Bucy got elected Constable. There was no mention of who won or lost any Constable races this morning in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, that I was able to find in the election coverage.

The Star-Telegram's Bud Kennedy had a bizarre focus on the Glen Bucy Constable race that did not make much sense to me. I don't know what function a Constable performs. I know you don't have to be a cop to be one.

I think it is time for me to go swimming before it gets any later or hotter.

1 comment:

  1. Constables are sorta like miniature U.S. marshals, whose main duties involve carrying out orders of the 7 small claims courts in Tarrant county, especially serving Eviction notices and sometimes assisting with throwing people and their belongings out of a dwelling.

    A man of Glen Bucy's caliber should seek a more substantial public service position, like as a FW City council rep when her was still a college student four years ago. He might not be getting the best political advice. He'll be a good asset to the community wherever he serves. Was just hoping her would take the seats of some other asses who control our tax dollars and formulate our public policies...and not used his talents to help landlords, sometimes slumlords, put people out on the street.
