Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 2 Of May Thinking About Firing Chesapeake Energy's Aubrey McClendon

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell on this morning of May Day 2, I see a swimming pool looking like it needs to be swam in. I also see it is yet one more breezy morning in Texas.

A breezy morning already heated to 70 degrees. Heading to a high 12 degrees hotter, if the temperature predictors are correct in their prediction.

I must have missed the news about Aubrey McClendon in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

The Star-Telegram has reason to spew news about McClendon due to what Chesapeake Energy has done to Fort Worth and its surrounding area.

While the Seattle P-I has reason to spew news about McClendon due to the shady way he moved the Seattle Supersonics to Oklahoma City.

Apparently the Chesapeake Energy shareholders have been complaining about McClendon's shady dealing in doing things like borrowing more than $1 billion to buy stakes in Chesapeake's wells.

So, on Tuesday McClendon was removed as chairman of Chesapeake Energy due to complaints that his personal business interests conflict with those of Chesapeake Energy. McClendon continues as Chesapeake's CEO. For now.

Enough about Chesapeake Energy and its corrupt CEO. It's time to go swimming now before it gets any hotter.

1 comment:

  1. Now I see why and how Chesapeake and Aubrey had fit in so comfortably in FW.
